Advanced Techniques with Juho


Juho Hokkanen, from Oulu, Finland, uses esoteric and original methods to make incredibly clean and detailed balloon art with a heavy focus on distortion. This is some of most innovative and difficult material to master. Enter this world of balloon creativity at your own risk . . . .

Please look at Juho’s collection of “weird balloon art” at before purchasing.

Artist: Juho Hokkanen

Categories: ,


Juho HokkanenIn 2024, Juho Hokkanen shared many of his advanced balloon secrets with a small group of artists over Zoom. John Justice lovingly recorded and edited them for us as HD teaching videos and Juho agreed to make them widely available. This is not a class of recipes. It is a deep dive into myriad techniques to distort and manipulate balloons that you can apply to endless reputation-making sculptures. Purchasers can download the very long video as well as access the individual chapters online.


  1. Required Tools
  2. Simple Glove Distortion
  3. Fuel Tank Distortion
  4. Turning a Heart into a Mouth
  5. Distorting a Heart from a Round
  6. Spiral and Unicorn Horn
  7. Button
  8. Button Two
  9. Cufflinks
  10. Nose Distortion
  11. Chess Piece
  12. 21 Technique
  13. No Punch 21 Technique
  14. Double Ring Connection
  15. Donut
  16. Double Ring Eye
  17. 260 Hourglass
  18. Bull Nose Ring
  19. Micro Pumpkin
  20. Cactus
  21. Rods and Ring Tips
  22. Side Wall Bubble on 160 or 260

Running time: 2:16
File Size: This download is broken into files, approximately 1.7 GB in total. It might be easier to watch the chapters in your library 

People from all over the world are talking about Juho …

“I loved Juho’s class!! Fantastic techniques!” — Donna Cochrane, Australia


“I highly recommend Juho’s training. His skills are second to none, we learnt these techniques in 2023 whilst at the Blackpool Balloon Bash Convention.” — Shelley Gates, UK


“Absolutely genius!” –Scott Nichols, USA


“Worldwide thousands of balloon artists on all continents share the same passion and dedicate their time to perfection their skills and craftsmanship. It’s rare to find someone who is able to bring the beautiful craftsmanship of balloon sculpting to a level which can be called ‘balloon art’.

When concept, aesthetics and techniques transcends the material we can speak about Art.

Juho Hokkanen is one of the very few in the world who has been able to reach this.” — Guido Verhoef, The Netherlands


“Words are just plain inadequate when it comes to describing some things. The amazing art of Juho Hokkanen is in this category. Not only are the individual pieces beautiful, they send our mind reeling because, “balloons don’t do that!” Well… in the hands of a master artist, yes they do!” –Helen Budinger, USA


“Juho’s creativity and techniques fascinate and inspire me.”  — Glen LaValley, Canada