What The Face!?!?
Learn Dan Staples’s “What The Face!?!?”
What The Face is a step-by-step, twist-along video that teaches how to take a 260 balloon and transform it into almost any face design you can imagine. Dan Staples of Dan’s Balloons will guide you on this journey of bubble control and imagination to a land free of Sharpie art, rubber cement, and expensive balloon prints. What The Face uses minimal amounts of balloon, leaving room for you to be creative AND quick. This is perfect for balloon artists from novice to master. With nothing more than a 260’s and some scraps, you can create balloon caricatures like never before. They’re quick enough for birthdays and restaurants but can also be part of a detailed delivery. Upsize to 660’s or make lil’ baby faces with 160’s. You’ll learn the main face structure and a few ways to create men, women, children, beasts, accessories, etc.
“How the **** did he do that!?!?” He bought WTF, you should too.
“I have used dan’s technique so many times, and it blows my mind every time! Taking his class was worth the price of an entire convention. Even if you don’t think you will ever use it, you will.” – Ronnie Johnson
“This download is next level. Dan packs a bunch of info into a small package that makes it easy to execute in almost any situation. Plus, his voice is sexy AF.” – Sam Creemens
Contents & Materials needed:
What The Face!?!?:
260 balloons in assorted colors
160 and 350/360 balloons are useful for the details
Running time 30 minutes
Note, this is anĀ Instant Download, which you can stream or download from your library at any time. Nothing will be shipped to you.